Fresh vegetable and fruits are very well taken by cancer patients . the fact, every person has cancer cells . Throughout life, the body undergoes six to 10 times the eruption of cancer cells . The problem arises when the immune system is impaired or weakened . Weakened immunity
As told by a cancer surgeon and herbal medicine
Typically , the treatment of cancer is done through surgery by removing the cancerous tissue the malignant cells . Another treatment , with chemotherapy or radiotherapy to destroy cancerous cells . There is also a hormone therapy that aims to regulate hormone balance . However , according to Paul , cancer treatment can also be coupled with complementary therapies or complementary therapies such as nutrition . By watching ekobiosistem body , these therapies do not bring up the environment in the body that supports the cancer cells to live and breed .
For this , patients are advised to eat foods that also serves as a drug ( to be nutrasetikal ) . " So , the most effective way in the fight against cancer is cancer cells do not give a preferred food
Well , for cancer patients , if you want to eat sugar
According to him , the cancer cells delighted with the acidic environment . Meat , for example , is acidic foods . In addition , the meat also contains residues of antibiotics , growth hormones and parasites . Therefore , patients with cancer should go back to a vegetarian diet . Cancer patients also need to avoid the consumption of high fat , but offset by higher fiber . Similarly, canned foods , preserved foods or contain preservatives . " Avoid eating table salt containing bleach and chemicals , should consume coarse salt . "
Another thing to avoid is food that has been engineered , such as transgenic soybeans and corn . Also , vegetable residues containing heavy metals , pesticides , or herbicides . Forget food like jengkol , chips , melinjo , durian , fruit gummy like Cempedak , jackfruit , sapodilla , Duku , complexioned . Away also heated with a microwave meals , frozen foods , and foods are heated to high temperatures .
Paul warned , the food must be consumed by 80 percent of cancer patients should be fresh vegetables , whole grains , cereals , and fruits . " Fresh vegetable juices containing enzymes that are easily absorbed by phytoplankton cells within 15 minutes , " said the doctor who opened a clinic in Tangerang .
The rest , about 20 percent , cooked food including beans . Beans should be cooked because it has antinutrisi . Once cooked , the negative nature will be lost . Also, avoid thick chili and coconut milk .
Note minumanTak only food , cancer patients also need to pay attention to the drinks that will be consumed . High caffeine drinks such as coffee , tea , and chocolate , should be deleted in the list of the daily menu . As a substitute , drink green tea because it contains anticancer substances .
Paul said, Indonesia is the second country in the world after Brazil with biological wealth . Of the 40 species of flora in the world , 30 thousand of which are grown in this country . Approximately 26 percent of this amount has been cultivated , 74 percent still grows wild in the forests . In fact , there are 940 kinds of medicinal herbs in the treatment and has erupted 10 times dibudidayakanai cancer cells . The problem arises when the immune system is impaired or weakened . Weakened immunity resulting endurance not able to control the genetic mutation or loss of cells due to impaired control mechanisms .
As told by a cancer surgeon and herbal medicine expert , Dr. Paul W Halim Spb , a weak immune system loses the ability to kill cancer cells and not able to control the growth of these cells . As a result , through the blood and lymph flow , unimpeded spread of cancer cells into surrounding tissues and other organs .
Typically , the treatment of cancer is done through surgery by removing the cancerous tissue the malignant cells . Another treatment , with chemotherapy or radiotherapy to destroy cancerous cells . There is also a hormone therapy that aims to regulate hormone balance . However , according to Paul , cancer treatment can also be coupled with complementary therapies or complementary therapies such as nutrition . By watching ekobiosistem body , these therapies do not bring up the environment in the body that supports the cancer cells to live and breed .
For this , patients are advised to eat foods that also serves as a drug ( to be nutrasetikal ) . So , the most effective way in the fight against cancer is cancer cells do not give a preferred food . Nutrasetikal nutrasetikal concept , according to him , was first introduced by Stephen De Felice , chairman of the Foundation for Innovation in Medicine in 1989 . Nutrasetikal is a food or part of a food that provides medical benefits , including preventing or treating disease . The bottom line is a combination of nutrition and pharmaceutical functions . Nutrasetikal consists of herbs , supplements , and drinks nutrasetikal .
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