Showing posts with label probiotic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label probiotic. Show all posts

Sunday, March 30, 2014

They aid in digestion of food , limiting the harmful bacteria and stimulate the immune system.

The Scientists of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO ) defines probiotics as " live microorganisms administered in adequate roomates when amounts will nourish their hosts" . They aid in the digestion of food , limiting the Harmful bacteria and stimulate the immune system .History probiotics

At the end of the 19th century, microbiologists found that healthy people have different microbes with sick people . They then named the good microbes " probiotics " ( literally meaning " to life " ) .

Researchers Metchnikoff probably the first to breed beneficial microbes from fermented milk . He believed that lactic acid bacteria can extend the life and drank sour milk every day to  proved . He died in 1916 at the age of 71 years , far beyond the average age at the time .Japanese research scientist Metchnikoff inspire Shirota to begin research on the relationship of intestinal bacteria with health . Believes that a person 's health is influenced by the amount of good bacteria that live in the intestines , Shirota diligently researching various types of intestinal microbial flora . In 1935 , he succeeded in developing specialized bacteria that live in the fermented milk . When this type of bacteria is present in one of the most important in the world of health beverage , Yakult , the which is virtually unchanged since the recipe was found by Shirota .Since then , many Researchers continue to study the health effects of work Shirota probiotics . The increasingly intense research in the last 20 years .The workings of the digestiveTo understand how probiotics benefit our understanding of the digestive system will help .Your digestive tract contains a diverse and complex microbial ecosystem . You are host to more than 500 types of intestinal bacteria that have a way of life and behavior vary . They have the potential to act in a positive, negative or neutral .The number and type of bacteria varies depending on the location in the digestive tract . In healthy individuals , the upper part of the small intestine and the stomach contains few microbes have bactericidal action of stomach acid . Unlike the small intestine , the large intestine is the " headquarters of the United Nations " the bacteria . In between these two extremes there is a transition zone that contains moderate amounts of bacteria .The digestive process begins as soon as the food into the mouth . Mastication of food particles roomates increase of the surface makes it Easier decomposed into smaller particles by salivary enzymes . In the stomach , food is mixed with gastric juices that contain a digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid . This mixture , called gastric fluid , destroying food that is then pumped out of the stomach into the small intestine . There , other enzymes and bile mixed with gastric juices to continue the digestive process to break down fats , proteins and carbohydrates . Some carbohydrates are not digested by enzymes and will pass to the large intestine , but most of the nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine .Within about 4-6 hours after eating , what is left of the food will pass through the large intestine . The large intestine has the greatest number of bacteria ( up to 100 trillion ) of various types . The upper part of the colon Ferment carbohydrates . Digestion of residual impurities are removed through the rectum every 24-48 hours .

Mechanism of action of probiotics

Probiotic health benefits through one of the following processes:
 ■ Competition for nutrients . To grow and multiply , good intestinal bacteria using the same nutrients with pathogenic bacteria . Consumption of probiotics help limit the growth of pathogenic bacteria .

■ Competition for attachment . The ability of bacteria to attach to the intestinal wall is an important element in growth . Here once again the competition occurring between good and bad bacteria . One important function of probiotic bacteria is to Prevent or limit the potential growth of pathogenic bacteria ( e. coli , salmonella , etc. . ) In the intestinal wall . Bad bacteria that can interfere with digestion , inhibits the absorption of nutrients , and causes diarrhea or vomiting . In a balanced intestinal microflora population , the dominance of the good bacteria Reduces the risk .

■ stimulate immunity . By optimizing the balance of intestinal microflora , probiotics nourish and stimulate the body 's immunity . When Consumed Regularly , they help you reduce the risk of various diseases .

■ Improve digestion . Probiotics produce enzymes such as polysaccharide carbohydrates that help break down food . Thus , the small intestine absorb more nutrients from food Easily decomposes . Microflora in the colon also supports the synthesis of vitamins .